National Trends and Services
The National Trends and Services facet is tasked with eliminating disparities by reducing barriers to resources through advocacy, education, and service. Our chapters are empowered to raise their voices and transform the communities in which they work. The facet’s goals include increasing the number of sustainable and measurable programs; increasing collaborative partnerships; and extending our existing initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need.
Recent National Trends and Services chapter initiatives include:
2020 Census
- Participated in 2020 Census training, conducted educational workshops and outreach to encourage people to complete the census – 100% of our chapter members completed the census.
- Participated in a “Virtual Gathering” entitled Census 2020: CT Cluster Counts, hosted by the CT Constitution Cluster Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC), for the six CT Links chapters. The event featured guest speakers who shared information about the importance of the census and the impact of the count on our State.
- Participated in virtual event, “You Count! Don’t be Counted Out!”, also hosted by the LAC attended by members of numerous CT Black organizations. The event included a DJ and a representative from the U.S. Census Bureau who provided helpful information and reminders to complete the Census.
Get out the Vote (GOTV)! Election 2020
- Provided leadership to help GOTV. Alumna Link Geri Floyd once again chaired the Fairfield County Coalition of organizations, including The Links, united to GOTV.
- Chapter members joined in a successful letter writing campaign, led by the LAC, to state officials to persuade them to support general election voting by absentee ballot (“no excuses”) during the pandemic.
- Conducted a campaign to encourage everyone to register, turn out and to communicate the voting changes to allow “no-excuses” voting by absentee ballot in CT.